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Volunteer info session

  • Volunteer info session

Gardening for back yard and balconies

  • Grow a successful garden even in the smallest of spaces.
    Learn how worm farming or composting can enhance your garden and make it more productive, while also reducing the amount of food and organic material we waste.  Workshop participants will receive a free compost bin or worm farm to use in their own home.

    Gardening workshops

    Supported by the Environmental Trust as part of the NSW EPA’s Waste Less, Recycle More initiative, funded from the waste levy.

    Bookings are essential – contact Holroyd Council 9840 9664.

Burwood Community Legal Centre

  • Community Legal Centres (CLCs) are independent community organisations providing equitable and accessible legal services. NSW CLCs work for the public interest, particularly for disadvantaged and marginalised people and communities.
    Level 4, 74-76 Burwood Road
    Burwood, NSW 2134
    9747 6155

Upcoming webinars and events

Good Practice, Good Business factsheets

  • The Australian Human Rights Commission ‘Good Practice, Good Business’ fact sheets are designed to help promote diversity and prevent discrimination in your workplace. They can be downloaded individually or as a set of 12 fact sheets and a policy template. They cover:

    • practical steps to create a fair a productive workplace;
    • hat to include in a workplace discrimination and harassment policy;
    • how to ensure a fair and equitable recruitment process;
    • what the terms bullying, harassment and discrimination mean;
    • how the law applies to employees based on age, sex, pregnancy, family responsibilities, disability, race, sexual orientation and gender identity and other characteristics;
    • which discrimination laws apply to your workplace;
    • when you could be liable if discrimination or harassment occur in your workplace, and
    • what to do if an employee makes a complaint of discrimination or harassment.

Business Advisory Service

  • Clearly Business Enterprise Centre and Burwood Council have teamed up to provide a quality, personalised and highly subsidised business advisory program for small businesses in NSW. With Small Biz Connect you can:

    • Get expert advice on managing your small business
    • Access face-to-face support
    • Develop key business skills
    Contact Lisa Penson the Inner West Advisor and schedule your first meeting at no cost.
    Local Advisor:    Lisa Penson
    Address:    Level 2, 1-17 Elsie Street, Burwood NSW 2134
    Time:    Tuesdays, 9.00pm – 5.00pm
    Phone:    9212 0555
    Email:    lisa@clearlybusiness.com.au

2015 ClubGRANTS funding

  • Community organisations may now apply for funding towards their local community service needs and priorities from the ClubGRANTS Scheme.

    Licensed clubs in our community are supporting a wide range of community projects in the following categories: community welfare and social services; community development; community health services; and employment assistance activities. Applications close 30 April 2015.

    Contact us today for opportunities to partner with our Business Chamber – info@croydonparkbusiness.com.au

    Canterbury Council: visit ClubGRANTS

    Ashfield Council: visit ClubGRANTS

    Burwood Council: visit ClubGRANTS


Rejecting Highrise Developments in Croydon

  • The StrandFed up with the flood of highrise buildings literally being ‘thown up’ at speed in Ashfield, Burwood and now Croydon, local residents have got organised to fight back & protect the deep heritage of the area from impending bulldozers and greedy developers.

    Support has already helped put substantial resistance to the proposed developments on 22-24 Grosvenor Street and 18-20 Boundary Street.

    Sign the petitions and submit your rejections to council.

    More info: http://www.22-24grosvenorstreet.com


50% Off Compost Bins and Worm Farms

  • Residents of Ashfield Council are encouraged to start composting their food scraps this year.

    To assist this new years resolution Ashfield Council residents are eligible for a compost bin or worm farm at 50% off RRP, plus FREE delivery.

    There’s no better time than now to start composting your household food scraps.

    Find out how at the Compost Revolution site. http://compostrevolution.com.au


  • Catch Dayne on The Project TONIGHT (27/2/15), Channel 10 @ 6:30PM.

    Dayne Pratzky was chasing the great Australian dream when he upped sticks from the city and moved to Tara in south east Queensland. He bought a bush block to build a house and make a home.

    One day a gas company man drove down Dayne’s driveway, “He told me we’re gunna sink a well down the back of your place and if you don’t like it, there’s nothing you can do about it,” Dayne explains.

    Dayne shares his story in a gripping new film that has been five years in the making: Frackman. It’s the real life story of what happened when coal seam gas came to Australia. In Frackman we share Dayne’s trials and triumphs, as he and his neighbours work together to fight back against coal seam gas.

    The Frackman premiere roadshow will be touring NSW throughout March. It’s the must-see cinema event of the year and the film that Bob Brown says no Australian should miss.

    The Frackman trailer has been viewed nearly 1 million times, Click here to watch it.

  Our Sponsors  
Aussie Home Loans Ashfield MBS Meguid Business Services Club Burwood McDonalds Croydon Park Events Cinemas RM Gregory PromoPrint Maranello's Veloce Croydon Park Wests Magpies AFL Club