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  Yasmin King chats with CPBC Members  

On Friday 30 August 2013, the Croydon Park Business Chamber (CPBC) invited NSW Commissioner of Small Business, Yasmin King to the local pub for a night that provided local business owners the opportunity to discuss the viability of small businesses in the Inner West Sydney area.yasmin king drinks

The event was an intimate affair, with about 35 members of the public in attendance, including CPBC Members, allowing one-on-one time with the Commissioner for each person to express their concerns.

When questioned about the challenge of creating diversity among local communities, Ms King stressed the need for the community to work together. To illustrate her point, she drew on her experience living in a small French village. She explained that this particular village had two bakeries, but instead of regarding each other as opposition, the bakers would meet together at the beginning of the year to discuss when each would take their holiday, so the town always has a steady and reliable source of bread.

Ms King said she was initially shocked by this, however when she questioned one of the bakers he simply said that if the other bakery stole his clientele, it was only because they were the better bakers. In other words, communities have to work together in order to grow, not view one another as opponents.

CPBC President, Toni Franze thanked Ms King for taking time out of her extremely busy schedule to listen to the concerns of Members, especially appropriate as the culmination of the Small Business, Too Big to Ignore national campaign run by ACCI, and backed by NSW Business Chamber. Ms Franze also thanked NSW BC for sponsoring the food on this occasion and the Hotel for shouting the first round of drinks for all. “It is precisely about community and coming together as one group, if we want to see Croydon Park continue to develop and grow in trade,” Ms Franze said.


Marcella Gallace, Media Editor

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