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A big Thank you to the Burwood Council and Mayor John Faker for the great Christmas Decorations! Also the CPYC President Journalist Marcella Gallace for the great write up to have this achieved.

CPBC/YC wish a Merry and Happy Christmas 2019 to all the Members of Croydon Park Business Chamber.


Canterbury race course action group 


Congratulations 2019 To 2020 CPBC Board.

President: Toni Franze’.
Vice President: Cheryl Borsak.
Treasurer: Kim Beltran.
Secretary: Judith Wagner.
Media Team: Troy Batta.
CPYC President: Marcella Gallace.


What a professional and organised event the combined: CPBC / AGM and Christmas drinks 2019. Take a look at the photos they tell the story.
CPBC would like to thank:
 Jodi McKay MP,  NSW Leader of the Opposition,  Member of the NSW for Strathfield. Welcome to Country 
Karen Pensabene Councillor Strathfield: Returning Officer.
Clare Raffan Councillor: Canterbury / Bankstown.
Hassan Moussa from RM Gregory Promo Print: Chair.
Scouts Presentation: Cheryl Borsak.
Chris Beltran: Musician
Mike Aldridge: Mudcrabs.
Martin Puchert: Mudcrabs.
Matt Burke: Canterbury Racecourse Action Group.
All the CPBC Members, guests and family. We would like to also thank the Club CP for being the major sponsor for this event.
Michele Urbano for donating a beautiful painting the ist prize $400. for the raffle.
RM Gregory: $100. Voucher
Hair Collections $65. Voucher 
Thank you to the generous various gift vouchers and gifts donated from the CPBC Board.
On behalf of the CPBC / YC we wish you a blessed Christmas and a prosperous New Year. Stay well and safe till our first meeting in February 2020. Actual date to be advised.

Kindly donated by Michele Urbano
Painting worth $400.

Come to CPBC /AGM 2019 +
Christmas drinks, great network opportunities.
Prizes to win.

Club CP
55 Seymour street
Croydon Park 2133


photos taken by Troy Batta


Croydon Park Business Chamber board members Cheryl Borsak, Kim Beltran & Troy Batta and founding member Hassan Moussa visited Strathfield MP Jodi Mackay to congratulate her on becoming the leader for the opposition party in NSW Government.

Strathfield MP Jodi McKay was elected as the New South Wales Labor leader with a clear majority.

Courtesy ABC news:

Key points:

  • The election of Ms McKay came three months after the state election
  • The party has been without a permanent leader for that time
  • It means for the first time in NSW, a female opposition leader will face a female premier

We also took the opportunity to discuss:

  • The ongoing clean-up for the cooks river concerning building code for hard surfaces to prevent run off in to the river
  • $2000 grant for computing and printing equipment
  • Canterbury race course building development proposals
  • Local News Letter for GRR local business and Croydon Park small businesses

Join us on Thursday 8 August and Thursday 15 August 10am – 11:30am at Burwood Library and Community Hub for a FREE presentation about the age pension. To book visithttp://bit.ly/whatsonburwoodlibrary

Good morning Burwood! Where’s your favourite brunch spot?

Hop Hippity Hop! We’re excited to announce Justine Clarke will be our headlining act at the Strathfield Spring Festival 2019!http://bit.ly/2zf1l0S

Then select your electorate “Strathfield “, then project “New Visions for Croydon Park”. Then vote to short list the project

Guess who will be featuring as a special guest at the Spring Festival this year?! http://bit.ly/2zf1l0S

Early-bird stallholder applications for the Strathfield Spring Festival 2019 close TODAY! Register by 5pm so you don’t miss out on your 25% discount.http://bit.ly/2zf1l0S

Who’s excited for the Strathfield Spring Festival 2019! Featuring live performances, family-fun carnival rides, children’s entertainment and lots of food and market stalls, it’s the biggest event in town! Headlining acts to be announced soon!http://bit.ly/2zf1l0S

Professional photos that were taken at the 2019 Cooks River Fun Run are now available to download. Purchase your keepsake of the event’s 10th birthday today for a memory you can always keep!http://bit.ly/31Ti5VC


Meet your local green thumbs and plant some trees on Strathfield National Tree Day! First 300 volunteers who register will receive a free lunch voucher. When: Sunday 28 July 2019, 10am – 1pm Where: Bressington Park, Homebushhttp://bit.ly/2YeJdPM

Calling all local talents and community performing groups in Strathfield! Send your expressions of interest to perform at the Strathfield Spring Festival 7/9/2019 to events@strathfield.nsw.gov.autoday!

Want to see a greener Strathfield? Get ready to roll up your sleeves, put on your gloves and start planting! Regos for Strathfield National Tree Day are open! Sund 28 July, 10am – 1pm, Bressington Park, Homebushhttp://bit.ly/2NI7FoD

Spring Festival 2019 stallholder applications are now open! Submit your applications by Friday 26 July to quality for the early-bird discount!http://bit.ly/2zf1l0S

Today we farewell one of our Croydon Park Vet family 💔

Byron has been one of our main Vets here for over 3 years and we’re going to miss him so much! He has brought such a great quality to our clinic and we’ll miss getting to see and share a laugh with him each day. Thank you for all the memories Byron!

We wish him all the very best for his next exciting chapter and look forward to seeing him around the neighbourhood!


Happy Birthday to our dearest committee member  Kim Beltran.

Cheryl Borsak District Commissioner also CPBC Vice President with CPBC President Toni Franze’
Congratulations on a well deserved Award for all the hard work over the years !


CPBC Member in the SPOTLIGHT.
Beryl Novice
0417 656 210


Q1. What has inspired you to open your Business ATOP Education?
I had been in an education Franchise, which I had developed to a total of 500 students per week for 23 years. Even with that number, I was not making enough money to keep my family as the royalties required were 40% and we were restricted in what we could charge. I had gained tremendous knowledge over that time and felt it was time to go into my own after school business. As I had come to teaching via a Sydney University Science Degree, this gave me the advantage of adding to the subjects that we could teach, such as Computer Coding and Robotics. Additionally, I had a very good mathematics teacher who was prepared to remain with me. He will eventually take over when I retire.
Q2. Has the Business always been in Croydon?
When we had the franchise, I operated mainly in Burwood but it was difficult to obtain accommodation there, as there is an afternoon tutoring service on every corner and in just about every building, so we decided to try Croydon.
Q3. When did you open this Business?
1st February 2011.
Q4 How did you hear of the CPBC?
I had been a member of the Burwood Chamber of Commerce for many years, however, as we were now at Croydon and they do not have a Chamber of Commerce of their own, when a friend mentioned that Croydon Park was very active, I decided to attend one of their events.
Q5. What made you continue to be a member of the CPBC?
When I met Toni and Silvana, I could see what they were doing for the community and this influenced me in signing up as a member.
Q6. Why do you continue to be a member of the CPBC?
For one thing, I had been introduced to the Principal of the Croydon Park School by the CPBC and from then on, have had the pleasure of giving three awards every year, one each for the Most Improved Students in 6th class for English, Maths and Science. I look forward to this occasion every year and this binds me to the Croydon Park area. Also I am happy to lend a hand or sponsor a prize in any event that the CPBC endeavours.
Q7. What would you like the CPBC to achieve for the members for 2019?
Well, firstly, keep up the great work they are doing and foster that sense of community which can help bring prosperity to the businesses in this area.

Q8. What do you think of the CPYC?
I think it is a brilliant concept as the youth of to-day are the mainstays of our future and this is the first chamber of commerce that I have been involved with that has this attribute.
Q9. Since joining the CPBC, which event or seminar has stood out.
I always enjoy the CPBC’s Annual meetings. Their street fairs are always fun and there was a dinner I once attended that introduced me to many interesting people.
Q10. If you are to use one word to sum up the CPBC and one word for the CPYC what would it be.

Hi We are a local public school in the Inner West that is hosting the fourth annual Inner West Brick Fair on Sunday 30 June 2019. Being a public school we rely heavily on the goodwill of our community to get the word out about these events. The day is a great one for Lego lovers both young and old. With special guest Henry Pinto of Lego Masters Australia fame it should be our best yet. Attached is our flyer which we would love if you could post for your followers as a way of support Thank you.

Council is supporting the Red Shield Appeal! Head to Strathfield Square on Sat 18 May from 11am – 2pm for a sausage sizzle and show your support!

Rochester Street in Homebush will be bustling with local food and business stalls, live music and children’s entertainment this weekend at the Homebush Village Fair!http://bit.ly/2YQagia

Good morning from Henley Park🌞 Council has installed two brand new floodlight poles and we have 11 more to go!

This will provide safe access for park users, and enable our sporting teams to train and play especially during the winter months where there is lack of natural lighting.



Get your kids to improve some physical fitness and motor skills by joining the Active Follow Up Program! With group games and activities, it’s an enjoyable and inclusive way to make physical activity exciting! Contact Council on 02 9748 9999 to register!http://bit.ly/2WgR4IE


Volunteer with Strathfield Council at the Cooks River Fun Run! Gain experience working with one of Strathfield’s biggest running event of the year! Check out our website to apply now!http://bit.ly/2LIvMhw


Happy Mothers day from CPBC and CPYC.



Looking to hire a park or sporting field for recreational purposes? Booking and inquiries can be made to Strathfield Council’s Booking Officer on 9748 9965.http://bit.ly/2PskGA7


If you have excess green (garden) waste which will not fit in your Green lidded bin, you can take advantage of Council’s free green waste drop off service, which will be held on Saturday 4 May between 8am to 12noon at our Council Depot at 8 Kingsbury St. Enfield.Guidelines and conditions apply as to what and how much material can be delivered. Guidelines can be found on Council’s website; www.burwood.nsw.gov.au or by calling Council’s customer service centre on telephone 9911 9911.The green waste will be taken to a facility for re-processing to be used as a soil conditioner and compost. This is another sustainability initiative by Burwood Council.


Proudly supporting the Royal Life Saving Society – Australia water safety and life saving efforts in our local community.

Photos taken by Andrew Nguyen



Wishing everyone an enjoyable Easter break! 🐣
Eat Healthy- Drive Carefully & Live Happily from from CPBC 😉


CPBC would like Thank everyone involved in          the preparation
      collaboration to the Easter Egg Hunt in
      with the Croydon Park Public School.
       Easter Banner : Marque Graphic Design.
       Printer of Doubled side banner: RM Gregory
       Display Banner on clock: Burwood Council.
       Printing Posters: Jodi McKay MP

So…..The Easter Bunny may have been running late!
But….He finally arrived at the Croydon Park Public School,
And…The children had lots of fun trying to find where the Easter Bunny hid them!


Pop in and say hello to Linda and David from
our local Croydon Park Newsagency.

Thank you for participating in the CPBC  Easter Egg Hunt
with the 2 Vouchers for the Croydon Park Public School to be spent in store.

Rene’s Restaurant and Pizzeria,

Thank you for participating in the CPBC  Easter Egg Hunt
with the 2 Vouchers for the Croydon Park Public School.

Samir Abla
4 x Gift platter biscuits.



5 x FREE 1 litre tub of gelato
Pure Gelato


RM Gregory Promoprint 2 x $100. Gift Vouchers.

Hassan Moussa 



A: 227 Georges River Rd (P.O.  Box 359) Croydon Park NSW 2133

Ph: 02 9744 8979 –  M: 0400 891 198

In case you didn’t know we can attend to all your printing and promotional needs.  We can do stationery, brochures, posters, magazines, booklets, books, promotional products, banners, web designs well as corporate and safety wear.  We have in-house designers





Club Burwood Group (on behalf of Croydon Park Club) are happy to donate 2 x $50 gift cards which can be spent at Croydon Park Club.





Gift Voucher 2 x Smash Baits.


Easter Egg Hunt in Croydon park

Congratulations 2020 CPBC Board.President: Toni Franze’.Vice President: Cheryl Borsak.Treasurer: Kim Beltran.Secretary: Judith Wagner.Media Team: Troy Batta.CPYC President: Marcella Gallace.



Happy Birthday to our dearest committee member Cheryl Borsak

  Our Sponsors  
Aussie Home Loans Ashfield MBS Meguid Business Services McDonalds Croydon Park Maranello's Veloce Croydon Park RM Gregory PromoPrint Events Cinemas Club Burwood Wests Magpies AFL Club