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  Huge Community Cultural Event planned for Croydon Park!  

belly dancerThere is a charming secret in the Inner West. A place where Burwood, Canterbury, and Ashfield meet. With a youthful heritage, a tapestry of diversity, and a vibrant new identity.
Croydon Park is celebrating!

To be part of this exciting event, come to the Launch Party on Monday 3rd March.

Ranging from pasta making classes, hair and beauty pamper tours, a bocce competition for young and old and turkish coffee served al fresco, whilst lounging about on ottomans and persian rugs, to name but a few events – you will experience Croydon Park like never before.

Taking place over the course of a day, Georges River Rd will come alive with activities, tours, hands-on workshops and more. Book this event into your diary now: Saturday Oct 11, 2014.

Come to the Launch Party on March 3rd at the CP Hotel and tell us how you would like to take part. Planning is taking place now. Don’t miss out!
Proudly sponsored by Croydon Park Hotel.
An initiative of Croydon Park Business Chamber.

  Our Sponsors  
McDonalds Croydon Park RM Gregory PromoPrint Events Cinemas Wests Magpies AFL Club Club Burwood MBS Meguid Business Services Maranello's Veloce Croydon Park Aussie Home Loans Ashfield