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  Cultural Event for Croydon Park  

If you are a community minded person who thrives on organising stuff, the Steering Committee for our Cultural Event is designed for you! We have a few places left so contact us today if you would like to be on the team.

Meetings will take place about every 5-6 weeks, with allocated tasks assigned to each member, who reports back at the following meeting.

To date, we have applied for funding via our councils, and will need to organise sponsorship, stall holders, entertainment and food.

But there’s a twist. We don’t want to replicate what all the other street fairs and markets do. Boring! We want innovative ideas, fresh and exciting – so if that’s you, speak to us soon.

  Our Sponsors  
MBS Meguid Business Services McDonalds Croydon Park RM Gregory PromoPrint Wests Magpies AFL Club Events Cinemas Club Burwood Aussie Home Loans Ashfield Maranello's Veloce Croydon Park