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  Little Thai gets a makeover  

Long time owner Johnny Phosri has revamped the interior of well-known local restaurant, Little Thai. With a contemporary new look, the place is spacious and comfortable, whilst the mouth-watering menu tantalises the palette.

Read our President’s remarks when she attended the launch last year:

“Last nite, Friday 23rd November, Little Thailand launched their New Look and I attended with a good friend of mine.The Food was excellent, and the enticing aroma of spices in the plates as they went by me to the other tables were mouth watering!I had a soup as a starter andI could have eaten the plate .. so good!”

Little Thai is situated at 123 Georges River Rd, Croydon Park and is open 7 days. They offer both a take-away and delivery (incl: Ashbury, Ashfield, Belfield, Burwood, Burwood Heights, Campsie, Croydon, Croydon Park, Enfield, Strathfield South)

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